Prayer & Worship
Prayer and worship is a culmination of events and activities that help students to engage the way that the Lord is moving throughout the three days of conference.
Prayer and Worship seeks to come beside students and give them an opportunity to express various hardships in their lives. Our goal is to serve as a visual representation of the power we have in Christ and how the Lord is already advocating for them. A conference without the posture of prayer and worship is meaningless, as the true work of Missions Conference is fully done in the Lord’s strength.
This is first done through actively praying for students during each main session of the actual conference. This is also done through interactive events like the Biola Day of Prayer and a 24-hour Prayer Room.
Prayer Room
Student response is responsible for constructing an atmosphere for students to come and offer their prayers and petitions before God. The goal is to provide a secluded, safe space to meet with the Lord. The prayer and worship team will be available for an hour after each session to pray for students in the SUB, but it will be available 24 hours a day.
Date: March 16-18
Time: 24 Hours
Location: SUB