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Win, build and send Christ-centered multiplying

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Our Story

Movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus

Prayer Requests

1. For many college students to step out in faith
and say, "Here I am, Lord. Send me overseas
this summer to take the gospel to those who
might never hear, despite any unknowns such as
Covid certainty, etc."

2. One African nation's Cru leadership that I
work with is asking us to not send teams due to
a spike in covid rates there. Please pray that
nations will stay open to receive student
missionary teams if conditions are safe enough.

3) For my wife Maurita's continued battle with
plantar fascitis foot pain. It hurts her to walk, cook, garden...all the things she loves to do she can't right now without a lot of pain.

Any donations to our ministry would be greatly appreciated! 

Go overseas with other students and Cru this summer. We are still taking applications for student ministry trips to over 30 nations all over the world. See them here and if an application deadline shows up, contact me cuz I can help you apply late.

Got questions?

Irvine Cru Regional Office Manager


Joe Hanford

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