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We exist to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation
in communities where He is yet to be worshiped

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Our Story

Christ-honoring transformation speaks
to the process as well as the outcome.
In the establishment of indigenous
churches, we pursue a Christ-honoring
influence on the community at large. As
workers who partner with God in His
work, we are a part of the transformation
process that God is bringing about.
God’s promise in Revelation 5:9 is clear.
People from every tongue, tribe, people
and nation will worship God in eternity.
Our vision is to go to those people who
are not accounted for in the eternal
roll call of nations!

Prayer Requests

Monday, March 15:
Praise God for least-reached people from
numerous backgrounds who have been
participating in online Bible studies hosted by workers in the United Kingdom. Pray many will understand and accept the gospel.

Tuesday, March 16:
Join workers in Southeast Asia in asking the Lord to raise up more workers to serve among this region’s nearly 700 least-reached people groups.

Wednesday, March 17:
Lift up the Christar Church Partnership team as they come alongside fellowships, helping them fulfill their roles in the Great Commission.

Thursday, March 18"
Ask God to provide good partnerships for workers seeking to start a business in Southeast Asia that will enable them to be a blessing in a least-reached community.

Friday, March 19:
Pray that a worker in Central Asia will have boldness and sensitively in sharing biblical truth with her coworkers in a local office.

Any donations to our ministry would be greatly appreciated! 

Fill out our initial contact form

Got questions?

Krista Lenahan

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