The Local Missions Department exists to equip students to work alongside their local community respectfully and with well-oriented hearts as they answer the call of the Great Commission to serve wherever they may find themselves. The Local Missions Departments longs to bridge the understanding that the local context is everywhere, whether globally or where we live locally.
Local Missions Department
One-to-One Ministries
Full Year
One to One Ministries are Year-Long weekly outreaches within the local LA County/OC county area. Our goal is to build and continue lasting-relationships in the community & with the church/ organization partner. The Leaders, a part of the One to One ministry, commit to serving both Fall and Spring semester.
Judea Ministries
Winter Break
Judea ministries are an opportunity for Biola students to join winter break outreaches within the state of California. Our goal is to continue life-giving relationships in the assigned community and with the church/organization partner.
Jerusalem Ministries
Spring Semester
Jerusalem Ministries are a semester-long weekly outreach within Biola’s “Jerusalem”, the LA County/OC county area. Our goal is to build and continue lasting relationships in our local community & church/organization partners. Jerusalem leaders will build their team ministry throughout the semester with weekly discipleship, service, and debrief.